Sports And Fitness

Feet on the Street–Two new Mizuno Runners


Hello! I proudly sport Mizuno running shoes so I was very thrilled when a company rep contacted me announcing two new pro runners to join the Mizuno team roster – Lindsay Flanagan and Sheree Shea.

I was able to interview the girls and because I know my readers want to know the ‘good stuff’ I asked these very fast ladies what they eat, how they run and suggestions on how to get faster… you’re welcome. ¡Disfrutar!
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RER:  What is your favorite distance to run on an easy day?

Flanagan: My favorite distance to run the day after a hard workout is an easy hour with 6-8 acceleration strides at the end. I typically feel a little sluggish the first few miles, but once I hit the halfway point, my body begins to loosen up and I feel like a real runner again-thank goodness! I like to end with a few strides to get my legs moving a bit, to work on my form, and spice up my run.

This is Lindsay Flanagan…

Shea: My favorite distance to run on an easy day is an hour followed by 8-12 100 meter acceleration “build up” strides. The hour length is ideal for hitting weekly mileage goals and establishing a foundation for racing longer distances. Strides following the hour run are vital to composure and perfecting running stride and form. Completing the strides in equal sets with a “cut down” implies getting slightly quicker with each one. Acceleration build up helps to build intensity in your stride and maintain quick turnover.

RER: What is your favorite distance to race? ¿Por qué?

Flanagan:: My favorite distance to race is the half marathon; I’ve yet to run a full marathon so this answer may change in the near future. I love the momentum you acquire in a half marathon; you feel a little better with each mile and can pull the set off a little more. I have found the longer the distance, the much more I delight in the race, so the half is perfect. Also, the energy at half marathons is incredible; people of all different ability levels are simply ecstatic about taking on the 13.1.

Shea: My favorite distance to race is the 10k. It requires a special strength and patience to extend beyond a faster paced 5k option, both mentally and physically. I am very thrilled to transition up to the half marathon/marathon in the near future, as I feel this is an even better opportunity to take advantage of strength and finding a rhythm on the course.

Meet Sheree Shea…

RER: What do you do for stretching/cross training? how much time do you focus on it?

Shea: Stretching is vital post-workout. right away following, I complete a dynamic stretch routine that includes 20-30 second holds of each position. After stretching I have a foam roller routine as well. I spend on average 10-20 minutes following the workout, with giving special attention to those areas where I am fatigued.

RER: What is your go-to training shoe? Race shoe?

Flanagan:: The Mizuno Wave inspire is my go-to training shoes, no doubt about it! They have just the best amount of cushioning to keep my legs feeling fresh while putting in the miles. as for a racing shoe, I would have to say the Mizuno Wave Hitogami. It is pretty light weight, but still supportive enough for taking on long workouts and races.

Shea: I train in the Mizuno Wave Rider series, which is a neutral shoe. I have been wearing Mizuno shoes because I began running when I was eleven years old! I am a faithful fan for life! For racing, I wear the Mizuno Ekiden. It is ideal for road-racing as it is lightweight and fast.

RER: What is a common training day look like for you from wake up to sleep?

Flanagan: We typically have 3 harder days each week where we meet at 6 AM, to get our bodies adjusted to racing early. I typically am up and moving by 5:00 AM on these days, eating breakfast and downing that much needed coffee. After the session is over, I head back home to roll, stretch, ice bath, and take a beautiful nap. then I spend the afternoon relaxing, refueling, and viewing Orange Is The new Black-my go to Netflix show best now. around 3:00, I head out for my second run on Sligo Creek Trail, the most popular running/biking path in Silver Spring, MD. once I finish up there, I drive straight to the YMCA for weights and strength work. Food is my top priority after I am done working out, so I come home and make/eat dinner ASAP. After a day like this, I am in bed by about 9:30, a time the average person would find comically early, because hey, I have been running around all day!

She: On workout days, I am up before the sun at 5:30a.m. I eat a lightweight snack and have a cup of coffee on the way to the workout location. usually I am warmed up and ready to go by 6:30a.m, with the workout long lasting until just after 7:45a.m depending on length ay el ciclo de entrenamiento. A continuación, estiro y rollo de espuma durante unos 30 minutos mientras bebo leche con chocolate y comiendo un refrigerio después del entrenamiento. Después de los esfuerzos difíciles, siempre sumergo mis piernas y caderas en un baño de hielo durante 15 minutos. Como un desayuno abundante de yogurt/granola griego o un regalo mucho más sabroso de claras de huevo, verduras y tostadas.

Lo que come este corredor de élite

Rer: ¿Qué comiste ayer?

FLANAGAN: Pre-entrenamiento: antes de un entrenamiento siempre como un tazón de cereal, ayer resultó ser Berry Kashi, con soymilk y un plátano.

Después del entrenamiento: barra de proteínas, algo de fruta y una bebida electrolítica muy necesaria; ¡Los entrenamientos en 100% de humedad te hacen sudar!

Almuerzo: mantequilla de maní y sándwich de mermelada, uno de mis comidas favoritas, yogurt griego de fresa con pasas en la parte superior y zanahorias con hummus

Pre-entrenamiento: tazón de cereales de frailecillos y algunos pasteles de arroz marrón nueces de miel

Post-entrenamiento: tortilla de arroz marrón con hummus y manzana

Cena: pollo, col rizada y pimiento rojo salteado con arroz integral y coles de bruselas

Bocadillo: Antes de irme a la cama, hice un parfait de avena con avena de estufa, yogurt griego y mantequilla de maní-yum!

Cómo ser más rápido

Rer: ¿Cuál es su sugerencia #1 para alguien que intenta ser más rápido en una distancia de 10k o medio maratón?

FLANAGAN: Creo firmemente que la mejor manera de ser más rápido es incorporar una larga ejecución constante en su entrenamiento semanal. La larga carrera desarrolla resistencia, poder, fuerza y ​​fortaleza mental, que es esencial cuando se compoca distancias más largas. Recoger el ritmo en las últimas millas de una carrera larga es una forma excelente de estimular una carrera y hacer que el cuerpo se use para correr rápido cuando se fatiga.

Shea: La paciencia es esencial para el éxito. Los entrenamientos de ritmo, la intensidad del edificio, la mejora del kilometraje constantemente y las carreras estratégicamente requieren paciencia y consistencia. Con el plan de nutrición y entrenamiento adecuado, ¡el éxito será inminente, solo tiene que ser paciente!

. ¡Estas chicas parecen muy divertidas! ¡Quiero obtener 1000x más rápido para poder correr/pasar el rato con ellos!

Puedes seguir a las chicas en Twitter aquí: Flanagan y Shea

Pregunta: ¿Cuál es una pregunta que le harías a un corredor de élite?

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